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Adit Testdesk: Building a Perfect Exam

Adit Testdesk revolutionizes the process of testing students and performing various questionnaires, quizzes and surveys. The comprehensive test suite allows you to design, implement, run, grade and assess the results of a test of any complexity. Plain-text customer satisfaction surveys, product questionnaires, language tests, university exams and sophisticated certification tests are all made easily possible with Adit Testdesk.

Tests and Exams: from Paper-based to Computer-based

Paper-based exams are easy to run, but time-consuming to grade and quite impossible to evaluate without entering the results into a PC. Adit Testdesk moves you straight into XXI century by allowing you to skip the paper altogether. With Adit Testdesk, you design and run the test on a computer, while grading and evaluating the results is performed completely automatically by the program.

Automatic Test Grading

Even the most complex questions with cross-references and dependencies can be automatically graded with the help of an automated script. For those few questions that cannot be graded by the computer no matter what, such as essays and spoken responses, manual grading is still available.

Multitude of Question Types

No matter what type of a test you have in mind, Adit Testdesk has just a perfect choice of question types. True-false, multiple choice and plain-text are among the simplest types, and the most common ones. Matching, hotspots, drawing and connecting, essays or spoken replies are also frequently employed by Adit Testdesk users. Lists, grids, trees, constant sums, and many other types of questions are also available to satisfy the most demanding requirements. If needed, a time limitation can be put in place. For complete list of question types, tee the list below.

Test questions can be just about anything. You can use plain text, still images, embedded videos, Adobe Flash animations, tables, graphs and charts as well as embedded objects of any nature. In fact, you can use just about any type of objects to build into a test. If you can paste it into a Word document, you can use it with Adit Testdesk!

Fully Customizable Look and Feel

Your tests and exams can look anything you like. Use your own fonts, backgrounds, images, logotypes or inscriptions to make your tests match the image of your organization.

Simple to Learn and to Use

The latest version of Adit Testdesk employs the familiar look used in Microsoft Office 2016, complete with ribbons and large, clear icons. If you ever used any Microsoft Office application such as Word or Excel, you’ll feel immediately at home with Adit Testdesk.

Easy to Implement

As long as you have a PC, running a computer-based test is no more difficult than running a paper-based exam. Adit Testdesk can create stand-alone executable files that can be launched on students’ PCs even without Adit Testdesk installed. You can use one or many network-connected computers to run your test, with a dedicated server to collect, grade, and analyze the results.

Easy to Grade

Adit Testdesk can grade your exams, submit and process the results completely automatically. Advanced questions can be tested with programmable scripts thanks to support for test variables and scripted scoring.

Personalized Tests and Reports

Thanks to conditional output support, Adit Testdesk is able to create tests and exams that are fully personalized. Personalized tests can include the name of the student, and any other detail. Personalized reports are also available.

Comprehensive Privacy and Security

Student privacy and security of all tests and results were major considerations when developing Adit Testdesk. As a result, the tests are impossible to tamper with, and all replies collected, stored, or transmitted over the network can be securely protected with state of the art encryption.

Client-Server Technology

In case of a network-based test, the testing is conducted using a client-server technology. The client workstation will only receive essential information without having access to the test file. Tests can be performed on a local area network (LAN) or over the Internet.

Multiple Exams Made Easy

With Adit Testdesk, you can add variations to produce as many exams as you have students completely automatically.


Adit Testdesk employs a comprehensive system of profiles, allowing you to group and manage your questions, reusing them in various tests and exams without having to re-design them from scratch. Profiles allow for producing tests and exams with various scoring types and test options, such as allowing or disallowing going back to review an answer. With profiles, tests can be created that can display or skip certain questions depending on which student is taking the test. For example, different questions can be asked to students of different age groups or taking different courses

The Adit Testdesk Suite

Adit Testdesk is a complete suite of tools, delivering the complete bundle of applications that are tightly integrated and work together to build, run, grade, and evaluate an exam. Several editions are available to satisfy the most price-conscious as well as the most demanding customers.

Question Types

Adit Testdesk supports a variety of question types to make tests of any complexity easily possible. The available question types are:

  • True/False: Any given statement should be either confirmed or denied.
  • Multiple choice: Only one of several choices should be selected as an answer.
  • Multiple response: Selection is made out of several choices. However, more than one choice can make an answer.
  • Matching: There are two lists of choices. For choices in one list a match should be found from another list.
  • Sequence: A list of choices has certain logic. The logical order of the sequence should be restored.
  • Constant Sum - Presents a list of choices. The participant selects a value for every choice.
  • Fill in the Blank: Participants are expected to type in the text of an answer. The answer is assessed by regular expressions.
  • Integer and Float Numeric – Integer: the participant answers by typing an integer. Answers can be defined within a specified range. Float Numeric: answers can be defined within a specified range, with scores being assigned for accuracy.
  • Date and (or) Time - The participant answers by typing a date and/or time value. Answers can be defined within a specified range.
  • Hotspot: Some part of an image should be chosen as an answer.
  • Grid: Several multiple choice questions are presented in a grid at the same time. Participants select one choice for each statement or question presented.
  • Essay: Participants should submit a free-range text of certain length. This type of question is graded manually.
  • Gap Fill / Cloze: Test with gaps is presented. Participants are supposed to fill the gaps with appropriate values.
  • Select and Place: A group of source and target areas is presented. Participants move source areas to appropriate target positions.
  • Drag and Connect: The question presents a group of targets and a list of connections. Participants connect the targets in a right way.
  • Create a Tree - Presents two lists: one on the left and one on the right. The list on the right consists of individual items, and the list on the left consists of nodes in a tree. To answer the question, the participant moves items from the list on the right to the appropriate node in the tree.
  • Build List and Reorder - Presents two lists of items: one on the left and one on the right. To answer the question, the participant moves items from the list on the right to the list on the left. The final list must then be arranged in a specific order.
  • Adobe Flash: An Adobe Flash animation of any complexity can be used as a question. The answer is returned as a variable, and can be checked automatically.
  • Spoken Response: Another manual-grade question. Participants use a microphone to answer the question.
  • Draw - The participant draws something on a background image using a simple image editor. This type of questions is scored manually.
  • File Upload - The participant uploads a file as an answer.
  • Explanation - A screen of text and/or graphics with a comment, hint, or explanation. This type of questions it not graded (i.e. gets zero points).
  • Draw Point: A point should be marked on an image or a graph that has the coordinates of an answer.
  • Draw Line: A line connecting two points should be drawn. The equation describing the line serves as an answer.
  • Draw Circle: A circle should be drawn. The coordinates of its centre and the radius serve as an answer.
  • Draw Segment: A rectangular segment should be drawn. The coordinates of the end points of the line connecting the segment's diagonal angles serve as an answer.
  • Draw Rectangle: A rectangular segment should be drawn.